Drumming "called" Mike Mangini when he looked at album covers played by his siblings and set up food cans at age 2.5, got a toy kit at age 3, then received a miniature kit at age 4. He played along mostly to Beatles albums and took a few drum kit lessons at age 5. Up until age 18, Mangini was lucky that the Waltham, MA public school system had a great music program. He was able to compete in the classical and jazz genres, as well as in band competitions. Mangini played in cover bands up until the 80's, did original bands during the 80's and he didn't tour outside the USA until 1993 with Annihilator. With Extreme, Steve Vai, James LaBrie, Dale Bozzio's Missing Persons and drum clinics, Mangini's kit changed to be a 100% symmetrical one with regard to playing fully lefty, fully righty and all combinations between. For a bullet list of awards, see http://www.mikemangini.com/biography.html.

Mike Mangini
Formerly of Dream Theater