How much does it cost to enter the competition?
There is no entry fee to enter the competition.
I'm 16 years old, can I still enter?
If you will be 16 or under on the 15th February 2024, yes.
How do I find out if I've got into the final 40 or the final 10?
Keep an eye on this website. The final 10 will be notified by email and telephone.
What does the winner get?
A trophy and the prestigious title. All finalists normally get a (very valuable) goodie bag. Winners have been known to be approached by drum and cymbal companies with endorsement deals.
Do you have an over 16's age group?
It takes about five months of planning to do the under 16 competition alone. Time simply doesn’t allow for another age group.
Sending Your Entry
I've got into the final 40! What now?
Keep an eye on this website where the final 10 will be announced. If you reach the final 40 it is a VERY good idea to prepare a 200 word bio about yourself in Word format with a good quality head and shoulder photo. If you reach the final 12 you will need to supply these items almost immediately.
Where will I find an entry form?
On the "Enter Now" page, click on the “Download Entry Form and Rules” link.
What are the competition rules?
They are with your application form which you can download on the "Enter Now" page in the menu.
Should my face be clearly visible in my entry
TOTALLY!! We need to be absolutely sure it’s you. If we can’t, the entry is disqualified.
Can I get my video tape back?
Sorry, we cannot return any video tapes or DVD’s.
Can I send in a video of me using my electronic kit?
We need to be absolutely sure you meet the standard to make it to the final’s in January as that’s the time we first meet you and see you play for real. To reduce any chance of “creative entries” i.e. miming to a pre recorded piece, we must clearly hear entries sent in using an electronic kit.
Can you tell me why I didn't make it into the final 40 or the final 10?
Yes, because you were not as good as those who got into the final 40 or final 10.
Can you give me some feedback on my entry
We get over 400 tapes in, so it’s impossible to offer feedback on individual entries – sorry!
Can I send in a video of me playing along to a backing track?
You can have backing music if you want but if the track does not allow for a substantial solo (>50%) or if it’s so loud we can’t hear you playing, you’re placing yourself at a disadvantage.
Can I send in a video of me playing with my band?
No. We will only accept a 2 minute video of you playing solo.
What do I need to do to enter?
Firstly make sure you’re eligible, if you are, do a two minute video or DVD of you playing. Next download the entry form, read the rules and send your entry in to us.
What is the judging process?
We normally get 400+ entries. We look at them all and whittle them down to 40. We then sent those 40 tapes around to five or six professional drummers and teachers to mark their favourite 10. All responses are collated and the final 10 are chosen. Those 10 finalists battle it out at the finals.
On Finals Day
Can I change the kit setup in the finals?
The running order of the finals are planned down to the minute and there is simply no time to change the standard five piece set-up for each individual. You will of course be able to adjust heights to suit you (there will be a tech to help you with this), but you must use the five piece kit as it’s supplied on the day.
Can my family video the performance in the finals?
As long as they don’t obstruct other peoples view – sure!
What is the seating arrangements in the venue for the finals?
Each ticket will have a seat number. We will announce when tickets become available so get in there fast for the good seats!
What time do the finals start and finish?
Doors normally open at 1pm and the show normally ends at 6pm.
How many people can I take to the finals with me?
As many as you like. The more the merrier! We’re having ticketed seating this year so you’ll have to get in fast for the good seats when tickets go on sale.
If I get into the finals, can I take my mobile phone back stage with me?
Yes, but if you do you will be disqualified from the competition!
Are you going to do video clips of the 10 finalists this year?
How are the finalists marked?
Each finalist is marked out of 10 on 6 separate competencies. The finalist with the most points is the winner.
Do I have to read music if I get into the finals?
Not at all. You will not receive any written music as part of this competition.
Can I play the same solo in the finals as I did on the tape I sent in?
Who is on the judging panel at the finals?
That’s a secret! However, past judges have included Vic Firth, Derek McKenzie, Geoff Dugmore, Ralph Salmins, Sola, Jason Bowld and Lloyd Ryan.
Do I have to have my kit set up for my entry as I will in the finals?
No. Have your kit set up as you like for your entry. But make sure we can clearly see you.
What are the judges looking for in the finals?
The judges will be marking on such things as timing, technique, using your ears, feel, playing for the music and your general attitude.
If I get into the finals, can I use my own cymbals?
No. You can only use the cymbals we supply. Two crashes, one ride one set of hi-hats. You can only use your own pedals (single or double) your own sticks and your own throne.
What's the format on the day of the finals?
Each finalist has to play a two minute solo, they then have to play a song with a bass and guitar player which will have been provided about three weeks before the finals. Finally they have to play a piece of music with the guitar players which they are only introduced to on the day.