Zildjian Reflexx Workout Pad - Black
Zildjian Reflexx Workout Pad - Black
Level up your practice with the Zildjian Reflexx Workout Pad.
This dual-sided practice pad features surfaces that are softer and thicker in nature than most practice pads on the market. The ¾ inch Flexx surface works well for all types of techniques and velocities, including those utilizing the arm, wrist, and fingers. The other side features a ½ inch Workk surface, which offers less bounce overall, though still provides a firmness allowing for strokes to be more audible than on a pillow or other completely dead surface. The Workk surface is a good place to practice techniques that involve the upper and lower arm, and wrist specific movements that utilize a larger range of motion, at low to medium velocities. Ideal for drummers looking to advance their technique, this practice pad promotes control, strength, sensitivity, and endurance while allowing for a greater range of stroke velocity.
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- Strong training effect for the arm, wrist and finger muscles
- 2 Unique surfaces for targeted muscle conditioning
- FLEXX surface for medium resistance and rebound
- WORKK surface with high resistance and less rebound, yet more audible than playing on pillows
- One of the quietest pads currently in the market, ideal for low-volume practice
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